Airavata Elephant Foundation
There is always much debate and deliberation in regard to the welfare of Elephants and everyone always seems to have their own opinions, irrelevant to their experience with these incredible animals.
At See Asia Differently, we have previously made our stance clear in a previous blog post, as we do continue to support the ethical riding of elephants. Other tour operators that don’t live on the ground in Asia and don’t understand this subject properly have simply turned away from this grey area and have stopped riding altogether, which is fine but as a modern traveller you really should know the facts about elephant riding and welfare before you make your own personal decision or make unconstructive comments.

We have been given the green light by the ‘Save the Elephants’ foundation for our work with elephants. As like we have written about elephants before you can’t simply stop riding them and have to, in fact, integrate them into society as they have done at the wonderful Airvata Elephant Foundation, which we support.

If you love elephants as much as we do; like all travellers, you have a choice to ride or to not to ride. Either way whatever decision you make, we 100% respect your decision and can arrange elephant encounters that match your beliefs; from riding these magnificent animals through the jungle in their natural habitat to alternative elephant experiences. Where you can volunteer for a day, feeding, observing and a hands-on washing experience that is second to none in Asia.