Our Story
See Asia Differently launched in the spring of 2008. However, the journey to this point started five years earlier, when co-founders Peter & Eva Jones each travelled independently of each other to Asia for the very first time. Our paths did not cross until four years later, whilst travelling through Central America. It seems natural now that we both met whilst travelling and then made the decision to settle down somewhere completely different.
A lot of people ask us why we choose Cambodia as a base to live, but Cambodia really chose us. We have both been lucky enough to explore most parts of the world, but talking about our experiences on our arrival in Cambodia we instantly fell in love with the beautiful country and its incredible people. Cambodia is also slap bang in the middle of the countries we specialise in.
When we were travelling around Asia getting everything set up, we were amazed at how much there was to see and do, but we soon realised that the vast majority of visitors did not experience the real Asia, and we knew that this was what we had to do. And thus See Asia Differently was born!
Most tour operators only offer you whistle-stop tours to the main sights, meaning that you miss out on the real essence of Asia. Due to this we decided to fill a gap in the Asian travel market that we believe has been neglected – until now!
We also noticed that people’s travelling habits are changing. Holidaymakers are now wanting a more intimate and a truer travelling experience, as well as having free time to explore and time to reflect on their own, rather than being told what to do and where to go all the time. We believe that the perfect holiday needs to have this balance.
Since then we have never looked back and we get to incorporate our love of travelling, our enthusiasm for adventure, and our love of Asia into building unique adventures for all of our guests, enabling us to show you the real Asia.
Founders: Peter and Eva Jones
The real truth about booking a holiday!
Make sure you know who you are travelling with. This may sound crazy but if you are booking a holiday through a large, established company in your home country, they will almost certainly be working with another company on the ground in Asia.
This means that you are booking and travelling with two completely different entities. So all that trust and rapport that you have built up with your sales agent may be completely lost when you arrive for your holiday in Asia.
It is also very likely that the agent that you are talking to knows very little of the country either. Which means that you end up with the same predictable tours as everyone else.
We live in Asia and so do our staff, meaning we have our finger firmly on the pulse.
So be different, do the right thing and support independent travel companies like us.
We hope you chose to travel the See Asia Differently way!
Our Partners
Gibbon Spotting Cambodia Adventure Tours
Gibbon Spotting Cambodia Adventure Tours was created to open up Cambodia’s incredible wildlife options into bite-size trips. These trips can be either added to an existing itinerary or added to a longer wildlife holiday. We specialise in both elephant and gibbon spotting adventures in the North-East of Cambodia and we were the very first travel company in Cambodia to open this area up for tourists. Now we have expanded our wildlife and adventure portfolio, with our new Angkor Gibbons signature tour.
Play Golf Asia
Play Golf Asia is another new travel brand to also fall under the See Asia Differently travel umbrella. As the name suggests we purely concentrates on golf holidays and experiences in Asia. We are able to craft golf itineraries for everyone – from individuals, couples or friends, up to group society trips and corporate golf events. Asian golf courses are some of the very best in the world, but are largely unknown by many. So there is no better time than the present to get in touch and see what a golf holiday to Asia could have in store for you.
Read Club Cambodia
See Asia Differently are extremely proud to be associated with Read Club Cambodia, which was set up by one of our own employees Brian Ork. Brian or (Synak) which is his Cambodian name was an English teacher before joining us and getting children reading has always been close to his heart. Read Club Cambodia is all about getting children to participate and to be encouraged to read on a regular basis. At See Asia Differently, we pledge to donate one book for every booking we receive to Read Club Cambodia.
Travel Ambassadors
If you have travelled with us in the past and simply love Asia and the holiday that you had with us, then we need your help to spread the word. There is nothing better than being recommended to others and as a small boutique and specialist South-East Asian travel company we want your help.
By becoming a Travel Ambassador you are able to earn travel credit by telling others and referring potential travellers that are looking to travel to Asia.
So why don’t you contact us at SeeAsiaDifferently.com and become an Ambassador and help us to promote our fabulous and innovative tours of Asia today!
Travel Small (Travel Independent)
Being a small independent travel company we do not have the budget to compete with the large companies that have thousands to spend on advertising and marketing. We have to follow a more natural growth path by expanding via word of mouth, by you that have experienced our incredible Asian holidays.
Evan though we both know that travelling with an independent travel company is the best way for you to get the most out of your Asian Holiday. There are many people out there that need to be educated in the way that large travel companies work.
If you travel with an independent travel company you book and travel with the same company. This gives you consistency and clarity all the way through form enquiring to booking to travelling. However, if you travel with one of the larger branded travel companies that are more well known. What actually happens is that they work with an entirely different company on the ground in country, who know absolutely nothing about you.
So please be smart and start travelling with independent travel companies like us.
Our Way of Travelling
The See Asia Differently way
‘Our Way’ is the way we believe you should be seeing the wonderful countries of South-East Asia. This is quite a bold statement to make, why is ‘Our Way’ better than any other way?
Life is full of recommendations, go there, do that, eat there, see that, you should experience this. Generally you listen to someone who has been somewhere before you and has the inside knowledge, someone who has similar tastes as you, someone with the same attention to detail, someone with the same values that respects the countries that they visit and someone that knows quality and value for money, this same person is usually the one you ask advise from and the one you trust.
In Asia we are that somebody and we will make your holiday to Asia, your most memorable holiday yet.
We know that your holiday time is extremely valuable to you; we’re here to listen and help you enhance your holiday experience. At ‘See Asia Differently’ we run over all the options with you over the phone or via e-mail. You choose the places you wish to visit and the activities that reflect your interests, we then suggest ideas, experiences and places that you might not have considered. We then work together to maximise your specified budget and assist you in creating your dream holiday to Asia.
We are not a global operator; we specialise in what we know – Asia.
This is ‘Our Way’ and we would love it to be ‘Your Way’ too.
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